Find all the cited authority in your brief, motion, pleading or any document containing cited authority with the click of a button.
Confirm those citations by cross-referencing against our comprehensive case law database and automatically fix any detected errors without typing required.
Format your table according to the rules and requirements of the court you are filing in and save that template for unlimited future use.
Build a Table of Authorities that is expedient, accurate, and appealing.
Be confident that your end work product is an affirmative reflection of you and your practice.
Litigators know that the law requires precision, attention to detail, and a splash of bravado. With ezBriefs, these key elements quickly become standard in a firm’s briefing practice while simultaneously giving you an advantage over opposing counsel.
From the moment opposing counsel files to the final minutes of a major deadline, ezBriefs streamlines how you draft, review, and handle your litigation documents.
See how simple drafting, sharing, and reviewing documents containing cited authority is with ezBriefs.
Accurate & Efficient
Table of Authorities
The only TOA add-in to leverage Microsoft Word’s native TA entries so your entire team can receive, edit, and share without license limitations.
A Check in the Win Column
Use ezBriefs to find inconsistencies in opposing counsel’s arguments and leverage them to produce a favorable outcome.
Befriend the Judge
With automatic hyperlinking to the Benchly full case law database, recipients of your brief can quickly pull the cases you cited- without a license or log in to ezBriefs.
Cross-Platform Sharing
Share your work product, whether it’s finished or unfinished, with anyone. The receiving party can make edits and add cited authority without an ezBriefs license.